The How. The What. The Why.

Why did I buy this website?

Quite frankly, I just found it a rather hilarious thing to do. I was looking to build a website of my own just for the kicks - and being too middle class to afford WordPress - decided to build it from the ground up. (Technically speaking I’ve only leased this from a registrar but for the benefit of the masses let’s stick to referring to “leasing the domain” as “buying the website” shall we ?)
I was looking at possible domains to buy ( was taken and was incredibly expensive) when , surprise - surprise, I saw that was up for grabs.

For the Uninitiated

RVCE is a popular engineering college in Bangalore. Pretty hard to get in as a student, but quite easy to get their domain as yours truly has demonstrated. They really should have locked this down a long time ago.

I’m not much of a foodie or party guy but my internship money has to go somewhere right? So lo and behold, several clicks and a UPI transaction later, I was the proud owner of
Let me be absolutely clear and state that I have no intention of using this site commercially, maliciously ( a few jokes are in order, but nothing off the rails ) or in any way whatsoever that would defame or demean RVCE. This is all in good humour and must be taken as such.

What is this site about?

This is a personal website, a blog of sorts. I’ll be posting about my experiences, my thoughts and my opinions on a variety of topics. I’ll also be posting about my projects and my abilites here for the world to see. I hope to use this site as a way to showcase my skills and my personality to the world , while also introducing others to some interesting things spanning Computer Science, Economics, Finance , Business History, Trivia and more. I also plan on getting a few friends of mine who are exceptionally talented in their respective fields to write a few articles for this site.

How did I build this site?

The exact details of how I built this warrants an entire post that I will conjure up soon, but for now I’ll just say that I used Hugo, a static site generator written in Go. Wanting to push boundaries and try some new tech, I did initially plan on writing this using SvelteKit , VuePress or NextJS but decided to go forth with Hugo since it seemed to be the most mature and well documented of the lot. Not to mention a long conversation with a good friend who convinced me that for a site that needed constant modifications and updates , I was better off using a static site generator rather than a full fledged framework. All of the content is statically built and rendered on the server side and the site is hosted on Cloudflare. There were webhooks from my GitHub repo that trigger a rebuild of the site everytime I push a commit , but I have now scrapped that in lieu of building it locally and deploying it manually because it was faster. I’ll be writing a detailed post on how I built this site soon, so stay tuned for that.
PS : Almost everything I design follows the principles of Jonathan Ive , so if you see a lot of white space and minimalism, you know why.